unique perspectives, authentic education


We believe that a combination of authentic experiences and research driven practices makes for the best results in the classroom. All of our consultants come prepared with unique specialties and have served as leaders in the field of education. We thirst for knowledge and come prepared to share our passion. Our philosophy will help you develop new and exciting skills with a firm understanding of the “why.” With a dash of research and a touch of whimsy, we promise to help you, and your students, succeed.



The Three Pillars of Success

Consultants with Unique Specialties

We staff our consultant team with a diverse staff of educators. Our consultants have a wide range of specialties in the field of education and the arts. Many of our fortes include the oft ignored subjects such as science, the arts, and early childhood. Don’t worry though, we can always party with a good book or math problem.

Authentic Experiences

The most successful learning occurs through genuine involvement in shared events. Our work is grounded in the Constructivist approach to education. Our professional developments and student learning programs are built through a series of authentic learning experiences.


Our work is grounded in whimsy. Consultants provide trainings and materials that demonstrate how “flights of fancy” can become realities. Trainings are not a show, but learning experiences propelled by optimism, passion, and vision. Teachers are partners with students in wonder and we strive to bring educators closer to this goal.

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Find out about our vision,
methods, and the members of our team.


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