We provide a set of professional developments that can be provided at your school, network, or district on the following topics.

Contact us for more information about pricing and scheduling.


the Next generation science standards: What are they and how do I use them?

Bring together science teachers, general education teachers, or administrators for a primer on the Next Generation Science Standards. Topics covered include three-dimensional learning, how to read the standards, and science and engineering practices. This professional development can be provided in a variety of formats depending on the numbers of topics you would like covered.

building community with families

Teachers and administrators learn how to bring together families to build a stronger community within the classroom and within the school. Topics include family engagement through cultural events, literacy, and meaningful conversations. Teachers and administrators will walk away with an action plan for their classroom or school. This course is typically provided for teachers as a half day session and for administrators as a full day session with ongoing support.

Psychology and Education

This course, for teachers and leaders, provides the basics on Piaget and Vygotsky. Through active learning, teachers and leaders determine how students construct their own knowledge. This course can be provided in one day and comes with a list of recommended follow up readings.

Empowering The leaders in your school

Have you always wanted to find your leader voice? In this session for teachers and leaders, find out what gives you power in the classroom and in your school. Everyone has a powerful leader inside that is waiting to be unlocked. This session can be provided in one day and comes with optional follow up sessions.

Building a classroom library

In this course for teachers and leaders of all levels we will explore what it means to have a balanced classroom or school library. Teachers and leaders will explore culturally responsive literature, non-fiction literature, and discuss why library culture is so important. This course can be provided in one day. Follow up sessions are available for teachers and leaders.